Me Me Me Me Me

Monday, July 7, 2014

Blogs I Love!!

I'm Lovin' Lit -  Middle school literacy blog, but her ideas work well with tons of grades (including mine!)

I'm Lovin' Lit

Head Over Heels for Teaching - lots of practical ideas!

Head Over Heels for Teaching


  1. Hi Katie! I met you at the Balanced Literacy workshop earlier in the summer when I downloaded one of your products during the training! I just came across your blog...looks like you are just getting started. Looks great so far! I've been blogging (Mrs. MeGown's Second Grade Safari) for about a year and love it. I'll add you to my Blogs I Follow so I can keep up with you! Best wishes in the upcoming school year!

    1. Hey Monica! Yes, I just started my blog a couple of weeks ago. I'm trying to design it myself, but it is proving more difficult than I though:) I'm going to follow you now! Thanks for being my very first follower! Good luck to you too!

  2. So impressed you've designed it yourself! I've done the same thing and it is hard! I finally broke down and hired Designs by Kassie to give my blog a makeover. It will be about a month before she can get to mine though! Thanks for following me back! I just added your blog on my "Blogs I Follow" on my sidebar. :) So fun to have other blogger teachers in the district!
