Me Me Me Me Me

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Feeling Conflicted

Anybody else feeling conflicted about ready to start a new year, but not ready to given up their Summer yet? The nerdy-love-to-buy-school-supplies, can't-wait-to-decorate-my-room part of me is chomping at the bits. BUT, the like-to-sleep-late, like-to-sit-at-coffee-shops-midday part of me is kicking and screaming for more time.

I'll be in a new school and new grade level this year, so I've been spending a good amount of time making decorations for my room.  I've fallen in love with just about any navy/ coral combination I can find.  I also have been on a nautical kick recently, so I just combined the two.  I'm not a painter AT ALL.  My artistic flair comes out in digital creations, however, I had some old metal bookends I painted to go with my room. Oh, and some mason jars:)

I also made some of those paint bucket stools I've seen all over Pinterest (pics to come). They were super easy and thanks to my hubby's job, I got the buckets for free! Free is always good in my book.

Speaking of free, here are some of the signs I made for my classroom.  You can have them if you'd like.  Just click HERE.

Well, I'm off to do some laundry!  


  1. Yay! I found you! I am now following you on Bloglovin'. =) Can I just say how cute those bookends are? I have an old ugly black on that I use, and am now going to spray paint it and make it cute. May I ask what paint you used? They look so shiny and new. Thanks! Come visit me at:
    Your Thrifty Co-Teacher

    PS Can NOT wait to see all the wonderful "Beginning of the School Year Freebies" you will be linking up. Looking forward to adding to my resources.

  2. Aww! Thanks! I used Krylon brand spray paint for the bookends and mason jars. I found it at Hobby Lobby and Lowes. For the little nautical desings on the bookends I used regular 'ol acrylic paint. It came in handy because if I messed it up, I just wiped it off with a wet paper towel:)
